Best Free Faq WordPress Plugins

12 Best Free FAQ WordPress Plugins for 2018 You Should Know

Best free FAQ WordPress plugins

There is no doubt that if you’re running a forum or any company website, you require an FAQ page. There are many best free FAQ WordPress plugins which can be used.

In the last couple of years, people have gone too far to create a better user experience. And creating a special page dedicated totally to your customers is a great idea.

People may have some thoughts about your product or after using it, they may want to ask something.

Such FAQ page can clear the doubts of many. Your customer support can also be shown as if how you manage to provide the best possible solution.

If you’re looking for the best fress FAQ WordPress plugins then it’s the article for you.

You may also want to read the FAQs asked by beginners.

Try any of these FAQ WordPress Plugins

When it comes to using a reliable platform, people always recommend WordPress. It’s because of having thousands of free plugins in its repository.

#1. FAQ

It’s one of the best free FAQ WordPress plugins. It’s because of the easy drag and drop builder. You can also choose the different and attractive color scheme.

Let me mention some other features.

  • Mobile friendly
  • Use Shortcodes
  • Widget option available
  • Bootstrap based
  • Font Awesome icon integration
  • All browser compatible

Get the plugin

#2. FAQ by WD- Responsive FAQ Plugin

This plugin has the free and the premium versions. You can list your current services and the questions people would want to search for.

The features available in the free version.

  • Unlimited FAQs and Category support
  • Responsive
  • Expandable FAQs
  • Search box
  • Rating Option
  • Social sharing icons

Get the plugin

#3. Ultimate FAQ

faqs wordpress plugins

This plugin can create your FAQ page within no time. Just use your admin panel and create as many categories you want.

It’s also available on the WooCommerce website.

  • Unlimited FAQ, unlimited Tags, unlimited Categories support
  • Create and assign post categories
  • An AJAX FAQ search form
  • Export all the FAQs
  • Insert custom CSS to FAQ posts

Get this plugin

#4. HTML5 Responsive FAQ

It’s an easy to use and a responsive plugin. You don’t need to cope with the fear of breaking something. Creating the posts and categories are easy.

  • SEO-friendly
  • Multiple categories support
  • Responsive FAQs
  • Easy to change the design
  • Shortcode can be used
  • Compatible with the modern designs
  • Can be used with Visual Composer

Get this plugin

#5. WP Awesome FAQ Plugin

There are no extra settings required to use this plugin. You can easily find its configuration page and create the unlimited FAQ is really easy.

There are many features you would find interesting.

  • Title and description for FAQ posts
  • No post description limit
  • Category shortcode based feature
  • Category settings have enhanced

Get this plugin

#6. Spider FAQ

This is one of the best free FAQ WordPress plugins because of its flexibility. You can create the FAQs without any hustle.

There are some features you should explore. This plugin also has a premium version if you want to try.

  • FAQ section order can be adjusted
  • FAQs can be provided with the images
  • Existing categories can be used for FAQs
  • SEO-friendly
  • Buttons for expanding and collapsing the FAQ
  • Date and the username can be added

Get this plugin

#7. WPB Advanced FAQ

add faq page on your website

According to the plugin developer, it’s one of the lightest plugins which wouldn’t affect the page loading time of your website.

Explore more features.

  • Two different FAQ themes
  • Categorized FAQ management system
  • Tags support
  • FAQ number and order can be controlled
  • Shortcode system
  • Compatible with all WordPress themes

Get this plugin

#8. Quick and Easy FAQs

The plugin uses the custom post type feature to add the quick FAQs. It can be added using the shortcode to widgets or any post you want.

  • Display FAQs in a simple list
  • Add FAQs using the custom post type
  • Display FAQs in filterable toggle system
  • The design can be changed
  • Translation ready
  • Support for Visual Composer plugin

Get this plugin

#9. WP Responsive FAQ with the Category

This plugin is also created with the custom post types. You can control the plugin using the shortcodes. There are different types of shortcodes explained on the page.

  • WP-FAQ with category
  • Add thumbnails images for FAQ
  • Easy to configure
  • Easy to integrate with the themes
  • Added text domain and the path

Get this plugin

#10. Easy FAQs

This plugin is good for creating the list of common questions and answers. You can also add the FAQ to the sidebar of your website to provide the better help.

  • No coding skills required to handle this plugin
  • You can control the fonts
  • Creating the category is easy
  • Display quick links index
  • Add images from your media library

Get this plugin

#11. FAQ Concertina

create faq page in wordpress

You can create the FAQ page in a fashionable way. Just use the shortcode given to any page or the post and you will have your FAQ section within no time.

  • Unlimited FAQs
  • Arrange the of FAQs
  • Different categories
  • Customise the appearance

Get this plugin

#12. Helios Solutions Responsive Category FAQ

The best part of this plugin is that it reduces the user queries by its elegant design. You can create an FAQ page within a minute

  • Add multiple categories
  • Shortcode for individual category
  • Responsive
  • Custom CSS option available

Get this plugin

You can use any of the above-mentioned best free FAQ WordPress plugins. You all know that each plugin doesn’t work the same.

You have to try out a few to see if they fit your current website design. Sometimes, the WordPress theme compatibility is a challenge.

Did You Find any of the Best Free FAQ WordPress Plugins from the List

Every time I write any post, it’s always important if you have gotten what you were looking for. Adding an FAQ page can be challenging for the start.

Whenever you see those buttons for expanding and collapsing the questions, you may wonder about the coding skills and all the techie stuff.

Well, with the use of such plugins, you don’t need any kind of technical skills. If you know copy and paste, you’re good to go.

Is there any of the best free FAQ WordPress plugins you have tried before? If you have any question, feel free to drop a comment.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi!

    Helpful list of WP plugins for such feature. I really like the FAQ section of a website because that is where a lot of your questions can be answered.

    I know some WordPress Themes come with such FAQ feature integrated – so there is no need for plugins. I’m currently using the Avada Theme and it already comes with a FAQ feature for the site.

    Thanks for sharing this!

    Best regards! ?

    1. Hi Freddy,

      Avada is one of the best themes of all the time. Having an integrated FAQ is always the best thing. But not everyone is willing to spend as much as a premium theme when he/she can get it for free.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Having an FAQ section helps both the visitors and site owners. It provides an answer to most asked questions in one place and keeps site owner from answering repetitive questions.

    I’ve used Spider FAQ till now and it works great. Thanks for sharing, Ravi.

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